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Term 3 Hot Lunch & Milk Mondays

Cascade Heights PAC is pleased to announce the continuation of Hot Lunch and Milk Mondays into Term 3. Our hot lunch program is run by parent volunteers and all funds raised go right back towards student activities and school enhancements.

ORDER DEADLINE: 2025 Term 3 hot lunch and milk Monday orders need to be completed online by Sunday March 16th, 2025. If you are paying by cheque or cash, please have payment submitted to the school office by 9am on Friday March 14th. Orders must be paid for in full by the deadline, or it will not be processed.

ORDER PROCESS: Cascade Heights will continue to use MunchaLunch for our hot lunch and milk Monday orders. Please follow this link to sign in or sign up https://munchalunch.com/schools/CascadeHeights.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email cascadeheightshotlunch@gmail.com or click “Contact Us” at the top right of the MunchaLunch screen.